Where have I been?

This is just a quick post to apologise for the lack of content over recent weeks but I’ve been somewhat preoccupied with preparing for, and walking, the Southern Upland Way with my wife, Diane. If you don’t know it, the 214 mile route stretches across Scotland’s Southern Uplands south of the line Glasgow-Edinburgh, from Portpatrick on the Irish Sea to Cockburnspath on the North Sea. It typically takes around 16 days to complete but we didn’t have that much time in one go so opted to walk from Portpatrick to Moffat in 10 days in June/July, then to come back in September (this Saturday actually) to do the second half from Moffat to Cockburnspath. We’ve used and will be using, a mixture of accommodation options including wild camping, bothies and paid accommodation (we’ve plenty of recommendations).

Most of my time and effort since returning from the trip on the 7th July has gone into creating videos of all the stages (ten in all plus a couple of related ones). This required me to refresh what video editing skills I possess with a view to completing the first half of the walk before setting out on the latter and I can’t believe I’ve done it with only about 48 hours to spare!

It’s such an interesting walk and there’s so much to say but a video is not really the place to do it which is why I’m going to be writing individual posts with a link to each video (starting when we get back in a week’s when there’ll be an extra 7 to sort out). I hope I’ve managed to capture the magic of the walk in the videos but that will be for viewers to decide. Unbelievably, given its location, the Southern Upland Way isn’t very well known, being overshadowed by trails like the West Highland Way and Cape Wrath. It’s quite possibly more remote though and it wasn’t uncommon for us to go all day without seeing a soul.

In the meantime you can find the videos on our Durham Cow channel on YouTube (just click the link). They’re only about 15 minutes long so why not have a look? If you like them let us know, leave a comment or better still, subscribe to the channel – it’s nice to know that there is somebody else out there that cares about the same stuff we do.

Until a couple of weeks time then…

All the best and keep moooving!


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