Since January 2021 the footbridge (FB) across the Rookhope Burn, approaching the finish of section 3, has been closed and fenced off because it is unsafe. The vehicle bridge is privately owned and is also barriered. Until the FB can be repaired, Durham County Council has instituted a diversion from the gate on the railway path NY 940420 (shown as an alternative route in grey on our updated map which is available FREE as a downloadable route sheet from the SHOP).
The diversion is very pleasant and straightforward, being partly way-marked ‘WW’. It drops down the fell, from the railway path, to cross a stile into Church House Farm, leaving the the property via the big gate beyond the barn. If you come across the dogs, they’re very friendly as is their owner who is also ‘pro-walker’, so to help keep it that way please be nice and make sure you close the gate behind you.
After leaving the property, you cross the Rookhope Burn via a well constructed FB, continue on Churchgarth Lane past the cemetery, turn R to the road then turn L to continue a short distance into Rookhope. If you don’t want to visit Rookhope, turn R on the road and continue ~700 m to a stile <WW> over the wall on the L, leading to an elevated FB over the Rookhope Burn on the published route for S4.
If you can add any information, feel free to leave a comment. Helpful feedback is always appreciated.