There have been major roadworks around Deptford in Sunderland for several months now, which interfere with the Weardale Way after Queen Alexandra Bridge. However, the contractors have constructed a pedestrian right of way through the works (dotted arrow) that is generally consistent with the published route (including access to The Ropery) which we’d recommend you continue to follow. There is no access to vehicles and hence no car parking facilities unless you follow diversions to The Ropery. Don’t forget to leave a comment if things have changed when you visit.

On the 12/03/22 we found that the riverside path between the Saltgrass pub is blocked twice about half way along. The first blockage is by a fallen tree that can be negotiated, the second blockage is by a construction site. There is no easy way to avoid this blaockage which looks as if it has been in place for some time. There is no warning at the start of the path.
I think the best way to avoid thsi blockage is to cross the river using the Queen Alexandra bridge and then pick up the River Wear trail on the north bank of the river to Wearmouth Bridge.
Thanks very much for the information (and for your other post). I’ll have a look for myself in the near future. Really appreciate the feedback. Scott
We walked this section on 12/03/22. The new road is open with a path down from the stub end of what was Deptford Terrace with apedestrian crossing the road to The Ropery entrance.